
The Meaning of the 7th House in Vedic Astrology


Meaning of the 7th House

The seventh house represents the spouse, marriage and divorce, partnerships, journeys, sexual desire and enjoyment, sexual affairs, opponents and opposition, battles, litigation, legal matters, business, trade and commerce, the public and people.

Wife, husband, common-law partner, relationships, union, separation, marriage compatibility, sexual compatibility, sexual attraction, short travels, one’s own cause of death, duels, victory over an enemy, controversies, arguments, conveyances, extramarital affairs, bed, house, lost wealth, enmity with a loose woman, semen, adulterous nature, amoral conduct, losing the way during a trip, break in a journey, loss of memory, sensual enjoyment, giving charity, foreign place, adopted son or daughter, theft of property, alliances, treaties, contracts, agreements, competitors, opponents, dowry, fines, legal bondage, gambling, potency, ruling power, expenditure at night, water houses, earthly ties,
Body parts — genitals, female/male reproductive organs, kidneys, prostate